Indiana Farm to Summer 2025
Join us for the second Farm to Summer celebration called Season Your Summer!
The theme for this year's educational initiative focuses on exploring different locally grown herbs that spice up the daily meals. Participation in this initiative is voluntary, easy, and open to all sponsors, including agencies operating non-congregate meal service sites. Sponsors may choose to implement this initiative at one or several summer meal sites.
Participation in this initiative requires minimal preparation by program sites utilizing the state agency’s Season Your Summer Toolkit. All learning activities listed in the Toolkit will be geared toward elementary-age students and provide different educational opportunities for young minds. The nutritional component of the initiative will teach students on how to grow herbs at home and use them in preparing easy and fresh recipes. In addition to printable take-home activity sheets included in the Toolkit, packets of basil seeds will be made available to all sponsoring agencies. We will also provide printable growing instructions to send home with children.
Why Participate?
Help children discover common herbs that enhance the flavor and nutritional quality of our daily meals
Provide kids with a real-life opportunity to learn and enjoy something that they have planted and nurtured themselves with minimal adult supervision
Boost sponsor's chances to land a high score on the PY25 USDA Turn-Up the Beet self-nomination award later in the summer
Season Your Summer
Season Your Summer 🌿
Questions? Email Sophie Lindley at