“Local pork is roughly 50 cents more per pound, but the quality is so much better. There’s hardly any fat that we drain off, whereas you might lose half of what you bought from a big distributor when you drain it.”
– Becky Landes, Food Service Operation Manager
Manchester Community Schools

Download Our Procurement Toolkit
We hope they provide great resources to begin and expand your farm to school efforts!
Farm to School Procurement Resources
Buyer’s Guide
Visit our interactive directory, featuring over 200 Indiana producers, plus our list of distributors and harvest calendar
Protein Procurement Toolkit
The Protein Procurement Toolkit was developed to address the challenges that Child Nutrition sponsors experience when procuring local proteins. This particular toolkit will provide an overview for schools and childcare centers as they begin to procure, process, and serve local protein.
Flyer Templates
Download easy-to-edit flyers (Microsoft Word) to promote local ingredients and communicate to students.

Members of the Kercher family at Kercher’s Sunrise Orchards in Goshen, Indiana: Mollie Kieffer, Tom Kercher, & Bill Kercher.
Farm to School Procurement News
As we all adjust to this unprecedented situation, we thought it would be helpful to compile all the resources we have come across that might help you in your work.