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Indiana Department of Health Produce Rx Grant

Statewide Produce Rx Pilot Grant


The Indiana Department of Health, Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity (IDOH, DNPA) is offering funding between $5,000 to $20,000 to multiple organizations in Indiana serving higher risk, underserved communities found to be disproportionately affected by COVID-19.  IDOH, DNPA has received funding from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to reduce COVID-19 risk factors (including low access to nutritious food among vulnerable ethnic, minority or rural populations. 

This funding enables health care providers to prescribe produce to patients living with certain diet-related conditions or COVID-19 recovery.  Produce Rx programs have been shown to improve health outcomes for individuals who are living with certain diet-related diseases.  Lack of access to nutritious food is also widely known to be a preventable risk factor for chronic and infectious disease such as COVID-19.