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CCE Saratoga's Food Hub Feasibility Study Lunch and Learn: Proof of Concept Food Hub and Farm to School

The Saratoga Cornell Cooperative Extension USDA Food Hub Feasibility Study Webinar Series will be of interest to all who are in any way connected to our food supply – farmers, farmers markets, supermarkets, food banks, etc. The Food Hub Feasibility Study webinar series explores the findings of a study conducted by Saratoga CCE, which was funded by the USDA’s 2021 Local Food Promotion Program grant. Through research, analysis, and on-the-ground work, this study details available and potential markets for local foods. They offer recommendations to best service the local food system that considers distribution, infrastructure, farm-to-institution, food access, the emergency food system, and climate change.

This webinar details accomplishments, results, and recommendations for replication of the proof of concept food hub that was created in Schuylerville. Farm to school as a market and the progress of the NYS 30% Initiative will also be explored.