The Saratoga Cornell Cooperative Extension USDA Food Hub Feasibility Study Webinar Series will be of interest to all who are in any way connected to our food supply – farmers, farmers markets, supermarkets, food banks, etc. The Food Hub Feasibility Study webinar series explores the findings of a study conducted by Saratoga CCE, which was funded by the USDA’s 2021 Local Food Promotion Program grant. Through research, analysis, and on-the-ground work, this study details available and potential markets for local foods. They offer recommendations to best service the local food system that considers distribution, infrastructure, farm-to-institution, food access, the emergency food system, and climate change.
This webinar dives into the USDA’s Low-Income and Low Access map for a 5 county region of NY state. They will discuss how areas qualify for consideration, how poverty is measured, alternative methods for determining low-income and low access communities, and results from this sample area.